60th Anniversary!

Please join us to celebrate the Delta Chi Rho and Sigma Nu Eta Mu's 60th Anniversary!
Come see the house as it is today! The Active Sigma Nu Eta Mu A-Section membership will be giving tours and history about the different rooms and areas of the property. Corrections welcomed!
We plan on having an outdoor seated tent event on the house's property on September 12th, 2015; starting at Noon, see below for details of the event.
There is a cost of $25 per person, spouses/significant others are more than welcome to join!
Also, please pass the word on to brothers who are not a part of the email system who might be interested in joining the event!
Please use this link to RSVP: www.deltachirho.com/rsvp by Friday, August 21st!





10:00 AM

Start of Alumni arrival
Tours of the house by the active members
Light breakfast foods

12:00 PM

Official start
Opening Speeches (Honored members)
State of the Alumni (Joel Hudson, Worthy Commander), including the Annual meeting.


1:00 PM

Pause for Lunch

Catered Lunch

2:00 PM

Speeches resume
State of the Housing Corporation (Kevin Marion, President), including the Annual meeting.
State of the Fraternity (Jentry Malek, A-Section Commander)


3:00 PM

Official end
Tours of the house resume.
Alumni Members can mingle and catch up.
Music playing.


5:00 PM +

Alumni can decide on a bar or two to continue catching up, otherwise the event is over.



Thank you and hope to see you in September!

Joel Hudson
Worthy Commander
HM 617

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